Plenty of Games is excited and honoured to announce that we will be hosting a Sorcery: Contested Realm Australia and New Zealand Championship on 6-7 April 2024!
We are EVEN MORE excited to announce that the first prize for this event will be a SORCERY ALPHA ORIGINAL ART PIECE!
That's right, the first place finisher at the end of the championship will walk away with the original hand painted artwork for Arid Desert, by Rafaella Cech / AronjaArt.
The event will run over 2 days and be structured as follows:
Day 1: Constructed rounds and Beta draft
Day 2: Constructed rounds and top 8 playoffs
Entry cost: $55 AUD (includes keeping what you draft in the booster draft)
Minimum deck size:
40 Spellbook
20 Atlas
Sideboard: 10 Cards (only for use in Top 8 playoffs)
Matches will be Best of One in the Swiss rounds, with no sideboarding.
Matches will be Best of Three in the Top 8 playoffs, with sideboarding after Game 1.
Round times will be 45 minutes in Swiss Rounds and untimed in the Top 8 playoffs.
The following restrictions apply to deckbuilding for constructed rounds:
Erik's Curiosa - Banned
Chaos Twister - Banned
We will be using the Rulebook clarification document prepared by Ira Fay here:
We will be using all FAQs on and the official Rulebook.
1st Place: Original Painting - Arid Desert and Crown Sorcerer promo
2nd Place: Lindsey Crummett Original painting on Alpha Ancient Dragon artist proof, foil Bone Rabble promo and Crown Sorcerer promo
3rd place: 18 Beta booster packs, Ian Miller Relentless Crowd print, non-foil Bone Rabble promo and Crown Sorcerer promo
4th place: 18 Beta Booster packs, 3 Alpha booster packs, non-foil Bone Rabble promo and Crown Sorcerer promo
5-8th place: 9 Beta booster packs, non-foil Bone Rabble promo and Crown Sorcerer promo
9-16th place: 3 Beta booster packs and non-foil Bone Rabble promo
Random draw: 1 Mortality playmat, Kickstarter store exclusive Tadpole Pool playmat, Headless Haunt buy a box promos.